Affectionately known as the “Warm Heart of Africa” because of its reputation for kindness and generosity, Malawi is a landlocked country of more than 20 million people, the majority of whom are engaged in agriculture.

Water Mission's Impact in Malawi to Date
Given first-time access to safe water.
Served through disaster response.
Served with hygiene solutions.
Being served with safe water through ongoing operation and maintenance.
The Need for Safe Water in Malawi
International Poverty Rate
70% of the population lives on less than $2.15 per day.
Safe Water
82% of the population lacks access to safe water.
54% of the population lacks access to sanitation.
Basic Hygiene
85% of the population lacks access to basic hygiene.
With limited industry and unequal distribution of wealth, nearly three-quarters of Malawians live below the poverty line. Although Malawi has vast water sources, deforestation and pollution have contaminated lakes and rivers, exacerbating the potential for flooding and landslides from seasonal heavy rains. A rapidly growing population and high population density are putting pressure on Malawi’s natural resources. They have also strained unmaintained water services and the underfunded water and sanitation sectors.
Fewer than one in five people has access to safe drinking water, and less than half has access to basic sanitation. Most water systems throughout the country are broken down and abandoned, often without plans for repair. Piped water is nearly non-existent in rural areas, so families rely on handpumps, shallow wells, and other unprotected water sources that are contaminated. Very few families have the ability to treat the polluted water to make it safe for consumption.

Water Mission in Malawi
Water Mission has been actively working in Malawi since 2009, providing safe water and hygiene solutions to nearly 860,000 people.
Our comprehensive approach emphasizes training local leaders and residents to manage ongoing operations and maintenance. Though most of our work is focused in the central region, we have also responded to flooding and cholera outbreaks in the southern region, providing emergency safe water and hygiene solutions to those displaced by disasters. The Water Mission team in Malawi integrates Living Water activities into our safe water work, equipping the local church to be effective at gospel demonstration, proclamation, and disciple-making.

Our Solutions
Design and build customized solutions using best-in-class technology and water treatment methods. Each community-based water project in Malawi is characterized by:
- Community partnership for sustainability and follow-up;
- Long-term support for previously installed projects;
- Unique technical solutions for challenging contexts;
- Continuous improvement and innovation in sustainable delivery models; and
- Prioritizing piped connections to institutions and households.
Build community leaders’ WASH awareness, train WASH promoters, and engage communities with sustainable and affordable sanitation and hygiene solutions they can support, including:
- WASH promotion and educational materials to teach healthy WASH behaviors in neighborhoods, schools, and healthcare facilities.
Respond to natural and humanitarian disasters in various ways, including:
- Emergency water treatment systems for communities, households, and institutions like schools and healthcare facilities;
- Handwashing stations in healthcare facilities and other high-traffic areas.
Meet the immediate and ongoing needs of refugees and displaced people through:
- Emergency water systems in camps for displaced people;
- WASH training and supplies for those who are displaced;
- Safe water solutions in refugee settlements and host communities; and
- Crisis and trauma healing sessions for those who have experienced trauma.
Water Mission's Strategy in Malawi
Communities in Malawi have improved spiritual, physical, social, emotional, and material well-being, are equipped to services long-term, and have an opportunity to experience God's love.
The central and southern regions.
Community Managed Plus and Rural Water Cooperative.
Rural communities, camps for refugees and displaced people, schools, and clinics.
Our Team
Our dedicated team in Malawi is made up of 21+ staff members, led by the following leadership team.
Main Office
PO Box 31871
Capital City, Lilongwe 3
Malawi, Central Africa

Will Furlong, PE

Nixon Sinyiza
Impact Stories