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Mexico has a rich cultural history, diversity, and abundant natural resources. With a population of nearly 130 million people, it is the second-largest economy in Latin America and among the 15 largest economies in the world.  

Water Mission Mexico

Water Mission's Impact in Mexico to Date

More than

Given first-time access to safe water

More than

Served with sanitation solutions

More Than

Served with hygiene solutions

More Than

Being served with safe water through ongoing operation and maintenance.

The Need for Safe Water in Mexico

International Poverty Rate

3% of the population lives on less than $2.15 per day.

Safe Water

57% of the population lacks access to safe water.


38% of the population lacks access to sanitation.

Basic Hygiene

6% of the population lacks access to basic hygiene.

Despite its economic progress over the last three decades, Mexico has underperformed in poverty reduction. Although access to improved water sources and adequate sanitation have increased in urban areas, it remains low in rural areas, especially in the south of the country. More than half of Mexico’s population (57%) lacks access to safe drinking water, and 38% lacks access to safely managed sanitation. The availability of safe drinking water in Mexico is below the average for Latin America and the Caribbean. Mexico’s arid climate exacerbates the need for safe water, as regions with limited rainfall create drought and increase the demand for water. The Chiapas region, located on the southeastern border with Guatemala, is the poorest state in Mexico and one of eight states deficient in access to safe water. The need among its 5.5 million residents is significant, and there are several indigenous people groups that live in situations that are far more challenging than the rest of the population. Lack of access to safe water perpetuates poverty in the region. 

Water Mission in Mexico Safe water in Mexico Safe water system

Water Mission in Mexico

Water Mission has been working in Mexico since 2007, providing safe water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services to more than 240,000 people. 

 We focus on serving under-resourced and often unreached rural areas in Chiapas. Our comprehensive, community-focused approach emphasizes training local leaders and residents to manage ongoing operations and maintenance. Within the state of Chiapas, we are focused on two geographic areas: the Pacific coastal region near Tapachula and the central mountain region near Ocosingo, Palenque, and San Cristobal. We equip local churches in the region to help meet their communities’ spiritual and physical needs.

Map of Mexico

Our Solutions

Design and build customized solutions using best-in-class technology and water treatment methods. Each community-based water project in Mexico is characterized by:

  • Community partnership for sustainability and follow-up;  
  • Long-term support for previously installed projects;  
  • Unique technical solutions for challenging contexts;
  • Continuous improvement and innovation in sustainable delivery models; and
  • Prioritizing piped connections to institutions and households. 

Design and build customized solutions using best-in-class technology and water treatment methods. Each community-based water project in Mexico is characterized by:

  • Community partnership for sustainability and follow-up;  
  • Long-term support for previously installed projects;  
  • Unique technical solutions for challenging contexts;
  • Continuous improvement and innovation in sustainable delivery models; and
  • Prioritizing piped connections to institutions and households. 

Design and build customized solutions using best-in-class technology and water treatment methods. Each community-based water project in Mexico is characterized by:

  • Community partnership for sustainability and follow-up;  
  • Long-term support for previously installed projects;  
  • Unique technical solutions for challenging contexts;
  • Continuous improvement and innovation in sustainable delivery models; and
  • Prioritizing piped connections to institutions and households. 

Meet the emerging need to provide access to safe water for a growing migrant population. 

Water Mission’s Strategy in Mexico

Communities in Mexico have improved spiritual, physical, social, emotional, and material well-being; are equipped with services long-term; and have an opportunity to experience God's love. 

The Soconusco, Los Altos, and Selva regions of Chiapas state. 

Community Managed Plus and Rural Water Cooperative. [link text to the Professionalized Services Page] 

Rural communities, households, schools, and clinics; migrants. 


Our dedicated team in Mexico is made up of 15+ staff members, led by the following leadership team.

Victor Cortez

Victor Cortez

Regional Director, Latin America
View Bio
Johny Bermudez

Johny Bermudez

Country Director, Mexico
View Bio

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