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Honduras is a Central American country celebrated for its diverse wildlife, rich mineral resources, and vibrant mix of cultures. Honduras is a mountainous country with jungles, coastal plains, and one of the world’s largest barrier reefs. 

Man drinking safe water

Water Mission's Impact in Honduras to Date

More than

Given first-time access to safe water

More than

Served with sanitation solutions

More Than

Served with hygiene solutions

More Than

Being served with safe water through ongoing operation and maintenance.

The Need for Safe Water in Honduras

International Poverty Rate

13% of the population lives on less than $2.15 per day.

Safe Water

35% of the population lacks access to safe water.


15% of the population lacks access to sanitation.

Basic Hygiene

15% of the population lacks access to basic hygiene.

Honduras has experienced a high rate of economic growth but also faces high levels of poverty and inequality.  

Only 46% of rural residents have access to safely managed water (versus 35% nationally) and just over half have access to safely managed sanitation (versus 15% nationally). Although many residents have water piped to their homes, this water is usually untreated and not safe to drink. Parents struggle to provide for their families when tap water is unsafe to drink and bottled water is too expensive.

Water Mission in Honduras George Greene IV in Honduras Honduras Sunset

Water Mission in Honduras

Water Mission has worked in Honduras since 1998, impacting nearly 995,000 people with safe water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) solutions.

Focused in the northern and western regions of the country, we aim to reach the nine departments most in need of WASH solutions. Our comprehensive approach emphasizes training local leaders and residents to manage ongoing operations and maintenance. We generally design systems that allow water to flow directly to all households in a community, though we sometimes install centralized solutions in certain contexts. We also work with communities to construct household latrines.

Map of Honduras

Our Solutions

Design and build customized solutions using best-in-class technology and water treatment methods. Each community-based water project in Honduras is characterized by:

  • Partnering with the community to long-term operation and maintenance;
  • Support for previously installed projects;
  • Unique technical solutions for challenging contexts;
  • Continuous improvement and innovation in sustainable delivery models; and
  • Prioritizing piped connections to institutions and households. 

Build community leaders’ WASH awareness, train WASH promoters, and engage communities with sustainable and affordable sanitation and hygiene solutions they can support, including:

  • Latrines that are built with locally sourced materials and labor that bring dignity to
  • individuals and families; and
  • WASH promotion and educational materials to teach healthy WASH behaviors in neighborhoods, schools, and healthcare facilities.

Respond to natural and humanitarian disasters in various ways, including:

  • Emergency water treatment systems for communities, households, and institutions like schools and healthcare facilities;
  • Handwashing stations in healthcare facilities and other high-traffic areas.

Install emergency water treatment systems in displacement shelters.

Water Mission’s Strategy in Honduras

Communities in Honduras have improved spiritual, physical, social, emotional, and material well-being and are equipped to manage WASH services long-term. 

Northern Honduras (Departments of Colon, Yoro, Atlantida, Olancho, Cortes, Atlantida, and Santa Barbara) and Western Honduras (Departments of Lempira, Intibuca). 

Community Managed Plus and Rural Water Cooperative.

Professionalized Services

Rural communities, households, schools, and clinics.


Our dedicated team in Honduras is made up of 60+ staff members, led by the following leadership team. 

Main Office
Col. Miraflores, Calle CA-13, contiguo a Hotel Arnaldo's
Tocoa, Colon. Honduras
[email protected]

Victor Cortez

Victor Cortez

Regional Director, Latin America
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