Living Water
When we build safe water solutions, communities witness Water Mission and their local church working together in the name of the Lord.
Sharing the Living Water Message of Jesus Christ
We can meet physical needs with safe water, but salvation and spiritual transformation only comes from a relationship with Jesus Christ. Water Mission partners with local churches to share the gospel, nurture disciples, and show God’s love to all.
Church and Community Mobilization Program
Water Mission’s Church and Community Mobilization Program strengthens and equips the local church—God’s primary agent of transformation—in its mission to help people come into a relationship with Jesus. Our nine-part training empowers local leaders with sound biblical knowledge and discipleship tools to help share the gospel and nurture believers in their communities. This program is distinct from our safe water work but often coincides with it.
Watch Amidu from Malawi share how our Living Water programming led him to Christ.
Biblical Trauma Healing
When refugees flee their homes, or people lived through a disaster, they can experience trauma and grief. This level of trauma can destroy families and faith, creating barriers to hearing the gospel. Biblical trauma healing promotes forgiveness and reconciliation. It guides people through the grieving and healing process, comforting those who mourn and healing the brokenhearted. Such restoration allows people to openly express their feelings to God, encourages reliance on Christ, and equips them with resources to help others.

In some rural communities where we work, we partner with Renew World Outreach to add LightStream devices to our water access points. The devices provide access to files via Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and microSD card, without the need for internet or electricity. When people come to collect safe water for their families, those with even basic smartphones can easily download free, soul-nourishing content like the Bible in their local language, the Jesus film, sermons, hymns, and more to enjoy offline with their families.

The Messenger Audio Bible
The In Touch Messenger is a handheld, solar-powered audio device loaded with the Bible in local languages. These audio Bibles are part of a program designed to build fellowship and spread the gospel even further. Pastors are trained to use the InTouch Messengers to create listening groups, with the goal of forming a discipleship group. This special Bible study time provides thoughtful connection and shares the hope of salvation with even more people.

Read Stories of Impact

Ongoing Partnerships with Local Churches
Even after local church leaders complete the Church and Community Mobilization Program, Water Mission connects churches with various ministries to guide their continued growth.
Water Mission serves all people regardless of age, gender, race, or faith.