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Safe Water for Communities

A Lifeline for Moms in Golomoti

May 9, 2024

In the heart of Malawi, a country known for its sweeping landscapes and vibrant culture, lies Golomoti—a community where one of the basic necessities of life is a luxury many cannot afford. Here, mothers like Stellia are faced with an agonizing dilemma every single day: the safety of their children versus their survival.


Before the sun rises, Stellia begins her first three-hour journey of the day to fetch water. With her infant son strapped to her back and her six-year-old daughter often too ill to join, Stellia's daily reality is one few of us can imagine.


"I live in fear that what happened to my sister will happen to my family," Stellia shares, explaining that the water sources in Golomoti are not just inconveniently far away, but also contaminated. Her younger sister and niece are among the 800,000 people who die each year because of water-related diseases. Young children like Stellia’s niece, daughter, and baby son are most at risk.


Golomoti's main water sources are a distant well and the river where people bathe and wash clothes and diapers, further contaminating the water with harmful bacteria and viruses. For years, the tragic loss of lives to diseases like cholera has raised the community's profile as one in dire need of safe water solutions. Recognizing this urgent need, Water Mission recently stepped forward with a plan to bring safe water to Golomoti’s 23,000 residents. This initiative is designed to include conveniently located tap stands for families, as well as access points for clean, safe water at local schools, churches, and health clinics, promising a healthier future for the entire Golomoti community.


Stellia's outlook for her children’s future brightened when she learned about Water Mission's project—our largest to date in Malawi. "The frequent illnesses will be in my home no longer," she expressed with relief. “I’m [also] very excited about the news that Water Mission is working with the church for the project, because I believe that everything good comes from the Lord.” 

Sellia and kids

Such optimism underscores the project's potential to bring not just physical sustenance but also spiritual nourishment to Golomoti. This Mother's Day, as we celebrate the strength and resilience of mothers around the world, let us also remember the struggles of mothers like Stellia, who fight daily for their children's survival. Your support can provide a lifeline of hope to so many mothers, turning the tide against the dangers of contaminated water. When you donate to Water Mission, you are investing in a future where children can grow up healthy and free from water-related illnesses—a future where families like Stellia’s can flourish. Will you help make the world a better place for moms and kids today? Will you help bring lifesaving safe water and the transformative hope of God’s love to those in greatest need?

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P.S. All gifts this May will be matched (up to $20,000 total) thanks to generous partners who are giving in honor of their mothers, Clarice Dudley and Beatrice Micklash. You can also bless a special woman in your life by giving a gift in her honor.

Give Water In Her Honor

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