Doreen’s Story: Safe Water Brings Health to Mothers Around the World

Doreen, a new mother in Ikonia, Uganda, remembers a time when pregnant mothers were at extreme risk for fatal illnesses and infections. Water was scarce in Ikonia. Without it, the nurses at the local health center could not effectively treat women and babies.
“I used to escort my friends here to the health clinic to deliver their babies,” Doreen said. “The mothers had no latrines and nowhere to bathe. Their clothing would be soiled from the birth, but there was no water to cleanse the clothes and bathe the mothers.” Each year at Christmas, we celebrate the birth of Jesus, who was born humbly to His mother, Mary, in an unclean environment without safe water. This Christmas, we remember other mothers like Mary who give birth without access to safe water.

The urgent need in Ikonia was brought to our attention, and in 2021, Water Mission established a safe water project in the community. The project serves nearly 6,000 people, including local schools, churches, and the health clinic. Our team also built a latrine at the health center specifically for women receiving maternity services.
“Before the safe water, there was [a] 20% maternal mortality rate, [and] now it has reduced to 0.2%,” shared Damalie, a midwife at Ikonia Health Center. Doreen gave birth to her own baby in 2023, a son whom she named Wisdom Christian. Thanks to the generous support of our donors, the maternity ward had safe water and a latrine available to Doreen during Wisdom’s birth.

“Now, the situation here is good,” Doreen said. “So when it was time to deliver my baby, there was water to bathe myself and the baby after delivery. My baby was delivered healthy.” She and her husband, Daniel, rejoice that Wisdom Christian will have the opportunity to grow up in a community with safe water. This has allowed them to dream big for their son’s future. “I think he will grow up healthy,” Doreen expressed. “He won’t be late for school because water is close [to home], and he won’t get water diseases. You can see, he is so healthy! I am a proud mother. I have hope for my baby.”

Water continues to flow in Ikonia, blessing more mothers and children with health and cleanliness. However, 2 billion people around the world still lack access to safe water. This Christmas, you can provide safe water for mothers like Doreen, giving them the opportunity for safe childbirth and hope for their children’s futures.
Will you prayerfully consider giving the gift of safe water?
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