Contact Us
See below for ways to connect with our team by phone, email, or in person. Our US office is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST.
US Office
Phone: +1 843.769.7395
Toll Free: +1 844.369.2837
Fill out the form below and we will reply within 48 hours. Or email us directly at [email protected].
Water Mission Headquarters
Correspondence, Visits, and Direct Shipping
Water Mission
1150 Molly Greene Way
Bldg. 1605
N. Charleston, SC 29405
Donation Address
Please mail gifts to this address
Water Mission
P.O. Box 63320
Charlotte, NC 28263-3320
International Offices
Water Mission has worked in Honduras since 1998, impacting nearly 995,000 people with safe water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) solutions. Focused in the northern and western regions of the country, we aim to reach the nine departments most in need of WASH solutions.
Our comprehensive approach emphasizes training local leaders and residents to manage ongoing operations and maintenance. We generally design systems that allow water to flow directly to all households in a community, though we sometimes install centralized solutions in certain contexts. We also work with communities to construct household latrines.
Water Mission started working in Indonesia in 2005, responding to a devastating tsunami. Since then, we have provided safe water and hygiene solutions to more than 450,000 people. In Indonesia, Water Mission implements safe water solutions through Way Mitra, a local partner. Working through Way Mitra helps Water Mission ensure full compliance with Indonesian regulations while meeting the safe water and hygiene needs of communities. Water Mission serves two regions in Indonesia: North Sumatra and East Nusa Tenggara. Our comprehensive approach emphasizes training local leaders and residents to manage ongoing operations and maintenance.
Water Mission has been actively working in Kenya since 2007, serving nearly 450,000 people. Our work is primarily focused in the western and northern regions of the country, where we target last-mile communities and refugee camps and settlements. We use a comprehensive, community-focused approach that emphasizes training and capacity- building combined with infrastructure installation, operation, and maintenance. Water Mission has been piloting innovations in Kenya such as battery-powered systems, groundwater monitoring, and remote system monitoring. We also partner with local churches to meet community needs. Our future priorities include water system upgrades and extensions, operation and maintenance in new and current communities, and household connections with prepaid meters.
Water Mission has been actively working in Malawi since 2009, providing safe water and hygiene solutions to nearly 860,000 people. Our comprehensive approach emphasizes training local leaders and residents to manage ongoing operations and maintenance. Though most of our work is focused in the central region, we have also responded to flooding and cholera outbreaks in the southern region, providing emergency safe water and hygiene solutions to those displaced by disasters. The Water Mission team in Malawi integrates Living Water activities into our safe water work, equipping the local church to be effective at gospel demonstration, proclamation, and disciple-making.
Water Mission has been working in Mexico since 2007, providing safe water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services to more than 240,000 people. We focus on serving under-resourced and often unreached rural areas in Chiapas. Our comprehensive, community-focused approach emphasizes training local leaders and residents to manage ongoing operations and maintenance. Within the state of Chiapas, we are focused on two geographic areas: the Pacific coastal region near Tapachula and the central mountain region near Ocosingo, Palenque, and San Cristobal. We equip local churches in the region to help meet their communities’ spiritual and physical needs.
Open Water Mission in Peru configuration options
Known in Peru as Misiones del Agua Peru, Water Mission has provided more than 162,000 people with access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) solutions since 2006. Our comprehensive approach emphasizes training local leaders and residents to manage ongoing operations and maintenance. We target some of the hardest-to-reach communities in the Peruvian Amazon (Iquitos region) and northwest coastal region of Piura and are one of the only organizations serving here. With established offices in both regions, our team has built strong relationships with communities and can navigate logistical challenges involved in reaching remote areas by boat. We also partner with local churches, equipping them to meet their communities’ spiritual and physical needs.
Water Mission’s team in Tanzania actively works to provide WASH solutions to last-mile communities, refugee settlements, clinics, and schools. Since 2013, we have served more than 1.1 million Tanzanians. Our efforts are focused in the Dodoma and Kigoma regions, where the need for safe water is significant. Our work in implementing solar-powered, sustainable safe water systems in Nyarugusu and Nduta refugee camps has earned Water Mission recognition by international organizations. In addition to meeting the needs of refugees, we serve marginalized host communities by easing their burden and addressing their WASH needs through community-managed water systems that are distinctly different than the projects serving refugees. Water Mission is in the process of registering a separate religious organization in Tanzania to carry out our Living Water program there, as required by the Tanzania government.
Water Mission has been working in Uganda since 2007, providing safe water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) solutions to more than 1 million men, women, and children. We serve people living in rural communities in the East Nile region as well as refugees and residents of host communities in the West Nile region. In rural communities, we use a community-focused approach that involves local residents in the installation, operation, and maintenance of safe water systems and ensures that the most economically disadvantaged are not denied access to safe water. In refugee settlements, we partner with UNHCR to provide sustainable WASH services to those who have fled their homes. We integrate Living Water into our WASH work, equipping local churches to proclaim and demonstrate the gospel by meeting people’s physical and spiritual needs.